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My Dawn (Installment 6)

Posted by: Age: 60+ Posted on: 23 comments
4 likes 22 views Category: Masturbation Male-Female Tags: wife
Odds and ends

Something else I discovered during my trips abroad is that it’s a nice change to have an orgasm standing up. Most hotels have large mirrors in the bathrooms and have tiled floors, so I can watch myself masturbating and then also try to watch myself in the throes of an orgasm. It never works of course, because my eyes always close when the first surge of pleasure hits – a bit like trying to sneeze with your eyes open. Having to keep my balance while my body is out of my conscious control seems to add an extra tension to the climax.  At one time I mentioned that to Dawn, and said I’d like to try it at home with her ‘lending a hand’. I also liked the thought of her watching me thrusting to the point that I lose control and reach orgasm, because of course when we’re having sex she can’t really see that. We went into our bathroom, which unfortunately doesn’t have a large mirror, and Dawn sat alongside me on the edge of the bath. She wrapped her hands around my cock and I started to thrust into them as if they were her vagina. It felt wonderful but she couldn’t hold her hands still enough for me to get enough sensation, so instead she stood in front of me so that her arms were more braced. That also meant I could fondle her breasts and kiss her while I thrust into her hands, which was enough to send me over the edge. I pulled back from her a little so she could watch me orgasm, while at the same time she could feel my cock pulsing in her hands as I ejaculated onto her belly. It was one of the most intense orgasms I’d experienced for a long time.

Now & then when I’m working from home but Dawn is out of the house for some reason, I expand on the ‘knickers’ idea by folding her nightdress, her tracksuit trousers or one of her T shirts around my cock, then lying on our bed on my belly and thrusting into the fabric. Dawn’s scent and the softness of the cloth makes it feel almost like I’m thrusting into her, while at the same time there’s the added frisson of doing something naughty. I would never ejaculate into her clothes without getting her agreement first, but I do often find myself leaking into them. Sometimes Dawn will pick up that particular scent and realise what I’ve been doing; fortunately she’s never yet complained!

We don’t have much time alone together at home these days, what with our younger child still living at home while waiting for the job market to pick up, so we don’t get much opportunity for the spontaneous fun time we used to enjoy. On one occasion when our daughter was at university and our son was at school, Dawn stopped for her elevenses while I was still working on my laptop on the table in the living room. It was a warm day so when she brought in her tea and biscuits, I  asked her if she would mind going topless for me while I finished my work. She happily obliged and in fact stayed that way for the rest of the morning so I was treated to the sight of my wife’s lovely breasts and beautiful nipples every time she went past. It got increasingly difficult to concentrate on my work and so in the end I gave up, pulled down my trousers and gently started to masturbate. The next time Dawn came into the living room she didn’t at first notice what I was doing because I was sat behind the table, but eventually she realised and leaned over the back of the settee to watch while I carried on admiring the view. In the end she stepped out of the rest of her clothes, stretched out naked on the settee and started to rub herself. It’s always wonderful to watch her masturbating, but doubly so when I know she’s consciously doing it to arouse me as well as herself. Certainly she looked to have a very satisfactory orgasm and I had to stop stroking myself while she climaxed otherwise I’d have come at the same time. After she’d calmed down we went upstairs and made good use of our remaining time alone in the house.

That was such an enjoyable occasion that I’ve now decided that the next time we’re alone in the house during the day – if ever that moment comes – I will ask Dawn to go completely naked and then, when she stops for her mid-morning break, I will ask her point-blank to masturbate for me while I watch. I’m not normally the domineering type, and we rarely talk about sex outside of the bedroom, so it would be an exciting change for both of us.



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